It happens every year! There's a morning when you naturally wake early and realize the sun has already sprung and if you listen closely you can hear birds chirping. In my case, I could hear my youngest screaming to be released (he must've already heard the birds and seen the sun). Regardless of what sounds greet you there is an awakening taking place.
Even though the ground is still hard and covered in an array of colors that depict filth you start to believe that spring is approaching. This morning was that morning for me! A breathe of fresh air, abundant sunshine, and the lurking promise of a new chapter.
After the dark, cold and often harsh realities of winter there is nothing better than an impending warm up. A reawakening of the soul. A new vision for the future and a tearing away of the relentlessly mundane winter season. With any new chapter hope is abundant and I cling to it so that I can drive out the fear that tends to come right beside. This spring not only are we embarking on a new chapter but awaiting the introduction of a new character.
Although too many times we hear "you're pros by now" there is a mystique to the birthing process. One thing I know for sure, no two kids have come out even remotely the same. That's the beauty! Within the first moments of life one's personality begins to emerge and the rest of life character is formed. As we eagerly anticipate the final member of our basketball team I'm filled with hope for the new beginning, the blessing of fatherhood and the hope of ending up outside a retirement home (😜).
This was that morning when I realized and accepted that the times they are changing. There's only so much I can do prepare so I'll hope that who I currently am is sufficient and trust that there are bigger things at work. It's the dawn of a new chapter and I'm excited to pen the pages.