This morning on my daughters 4th birthday I am again sobered by the time warp that is life after high school. It seems like only yesterday Thiele and I stayed up all night to deliver her (alright that part was Thiele) then found ourselves up every twenty minutes the next night with our newbie. Since she was our third we were petrified by her sleep schedule since none of our other kids had been quite so cruel to wake that often. It was at this moment we knew she was sassy.
Now looking back over what seems like only days there is a spunky little four year old leaping around my house. So many memories and moments, good and bad, that I know it can't have happened in only a matter of days yet I feel that must be true. All I hear ringing in my ears is "Enjoy it now because you'll wake up one day years from now longing for it"...
Today we celebrate the life of our middle child. Her laughter, her smile, her infectious personality and even the countless tales of her mischief. She has delighted us with stories we can tell her kids and their kids if we're lucky! She is both incredibly sassy and incredibly kind. In only four years she has left such a mark on us and helped to shape everyone in our household.
The momentous events such as birthdays remind me of how great a time warp were doing life in. How one minute you're wondering how you'll function with three kids and no sleep and the next your eating Angeline Ballerina pancakes with a four year old. Life is a beautiful thing, the truest gift. I hope we take those sage words when they're offered and enjoy each fleeting moment because soon enough we'll be rocking on the front porch reminiscing (and definitely laughing) over all the time and memories that have passed.
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