While I often look in the mirror and see a quickly aging 45 year old (dad bod to the extreme) I have yet to actually reach thirty...
And the shock continues... Honestly this may be one of the best opportunities I have to share what an incredible privilege it is. Sure, some days seem eternal and there are nights that feel the same but better than that are each of the moments in between. In the stillness (or if you can function in chaos which I believe can be learned) you start to realize that you've been entrusted with a generation. Your family is your greatest gift from God and the greatest gift you give back to the world. If you have kids let that sink in. One day our kids will be charged with the responsibilities we're currently facing; building community, loving others, working the land, providing for family, caring for us (I really don't want the retirement community...).
And so as I snuggle my fifth child with numbers three and four passed out nearby I'm painfully aware of how quickly time is passing, how quickly they're becoming their own person and how quickly they'll be a contributing member of the global community. We have to be intentional with our pursuit of their little souls and give them abundant grace to learn and to stumble. Our love has to be big and the source has to come from our Father who is able to equip us for the challenge. Right now I need more help than I'm often willing to admit. I need grace too.
As parents let's step up together to the greatest adventure we've ever been on and biggest gift we will likely receive. In the end I want to know that my kids know the love I have for them and I want them to go forth and share the same love with the next generation.
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