Monday, July 20, 2015

Blank pages

This morning before any of the clan awoke I stumbled out into the kitchen dramatically grasping for the K-cups so I could make some coffee. I had hit the snooze for just long enough that I woke up to the second alarm with a mass amount of disorientation. I must've hit the REM cycle in record time! While my coffee was brewing I grabbed a few things and decided to the spend the morning outside on the deck. 

One of the benefits of moving is you unearth historical treasures from years past that have been buried deep amidst the American collection of things. I noticed that sitting on a shelf was a journal from a specific date I couldn't recall that had been placed as decoration on a bookshelf in our living room. Like an adventurer on an expedition I excitedly took it with me outside. Upon opening the journal I found a story (more a collection of prayers, dreams and hopes) inside from what seems like an eternity ago yet was only actually a few years ago. 

On the pages, week after week, were stories and prayers from my everyday life. Stories of healing and stories of immense pain, joy and peace. Though the prayers seemed to go wherever the spirit led and jumped from place to place there was a consistency to the storyline. Then all of a sudden in January of 2012 the journal was written out of the story and sat somewhere untouched for years. 

Alongside these entries were dozens of prayer cards I remembered creating after reading A Praying Life in 2010 & 2011. I found bible verse, key words and hopes for members of my family, my closest friends and leaders within the church.  It was amazing to see through the cards the answered prayer for these individuals over the last few years and a much needed reminder that He is faithful to finish what he has started. 

About half way through the journal the pages became empty and the stories/prayers seemed to pause. I must admit there have been many days where real life seems to have mirrored the pause. And yet this morning the blank pages seemed a sign of hope. A reminder that the story is far from over. And an invitation to come and be heard, to listen, and to move forward. 

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