Thursday, November 6, 2014

Shock and awe

For the first time since Saturday this morning had a feeling of normality. My face wasn't glued to the pillow, there weren't any children awake in the six o'clock hour and there was some trace of pep in my step!

I remember the good ole days when fall back meant an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour out on the town. As a father of almost five daylight savings time has morphed from a high to a low. Growing up in Michigan, on the far western edge of the time zone, the patterns of sunrise and sunset are very different than Chicago. Settled in the opposite geographical position of the central time zone the sun rises very early and likewise sets rather early. While papa bear can sleep in almost any condition, it appears my children are not as versatile. 

Until today every morning has begun painfully early, often in the five o'clock hour. Alyvia exclaimed Tuesday "I've been awake in my room since my clock read 5:42. The sun was already coming up"! (If only my son would've got the stay in your room memo) Almost boasting and of course with a smile she was excited to see the sun. Call me the grinch but I'd much rather meet the sun around 7:00 for a casual breakfast. 

Not only have the kiddos been rising at an unpreferable hour but we've also lost our evenings. I must say the sunsets from the west side of the office are breathtaking but notice I said from my office. Leaving work after the sunset and venturing out into a dark abyss is for the birds. The shock (and sleep deprivation) of daylight savings time is a constant reminder that six months of arctic tundra is just around the corner. 

While the shock and awe has been unwelcome to say the least. I'm so thankful for a morning like this. Sleeping kids who wake well rested and seem like themselves. Laughing with them while we eat delicious blueberry waffles (thanks Thiele) and encouraging one another as we go off to seize the day. This morning is a welcome one. 

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