Monday, October 20, 2014

A parenting first...

My oldest daughter came barreling into our lives almost eight years ago. Long before I had even a little no how on the best ways to bring up a child (which had become my biggest role). Throughout the journey Thiele and I have loved so deeply we didn't know it was possible. We've since had three other rugrats and countless nights without much sleep. Did I mention number five is on the way?

Every single day, or even hour, provides countless learning opportunities as little people have a knack for teaching. It's not a traditional classroom by any means but their unique dependence on you requires character traits that must be cultivated. So now after years of raising these beautiful, unique and completely individual personalities I'm struck by another parenting first, the first neurological test. 

As it sounds, this was definitely not a test I anticipated and I really was hoping this wouldn't be the type of parenting first I had to walk through. So many of the parenting firsts are so thrilling; the first step, first word, first time they poop through their clothes in public or on a relative, etc. This definitely does not have the same feeling. With this first my heart is heavy though I know God is already at work. 

A couple months back we started noticing that Alyvia would sometimes zone out for thirty seconds or so then after saying her name three times (think Dorothy's ruby red slippers) come back with "What?". To be honest I thought we had entered a different parenting first, the "I'm done listening to my parents and have my own timetable for conversation" first. Initially we shrugged it off as that but shared it through conversation and when we did family began to agree that she did sometimes seemingly drift away then return. We made an initial appt with our family physician who said it is likely nothing but recommended we see a neurologist. A who? 

This was not a parenting first I wanted to enjoy. Especially since they're making us keep her up until midnight then wake her at four in the morning. So here I sit at 4:44am watching my first born struggle to stay awake as we anticipate a neuro test later this morning. While it is very possible there is nothing to fear I can't help but stare at her fondly wondering what the result will be. Remembering when I first saw her sweet face and understood at a deeper level for the first time how much love the father has for us. Thanking him for what a wonderful family he has brought together and the vivid colorful story is writing at this very moment. 

Enough for now! I want to make more memories so we're off for breakfast at some hole in the wall diner!

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